Today’s blog writing challenge is to explore what I love helping people with, or what they thank me for. What would I be happy and excited to help others with even if I didn’t get paid?
What comes to mind is a miscellany of things. Practical – help at events, clearing work spaces, running errands, collecting things, organising trips. Creative – taking photographs, telling stories, choosing colours, sharing home grown flowers.
And the less tangible – smiling, listening, giving people time and attention.
And it was this last area that seemed to be the common denominator, the thread weaving them all together. It has been a revelation and a relief to discover that it is not necessarily what I do but how I am that makes people thank me.
And what I want to give. Space. And stillness. Which should be no surprise considering the title of this blog! I like to create a space for people to be who they are. To listen without judgement, to allow whatever they are thinking or feeling to be welcomed. To make nothing they say or voice be wrong. To allow them to freely explore who they are and what they want. And to find their own answers, go through their own process.
Of course I am not always able to give this. I can be so consumed with my own issues that I hardly notice others around me. I can be uncommunicative, angry, sullen and withdrawn. But when I can express my fears and vulnerabilities and open to others all of our hearts open a little wider.